USYS Latest News and Update

6 Apr 2020 by Jody Pierce

Due to the significant changes of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), all Alabama Soccer Association sanctioned activities are suspended until at least April 30, 2020.

Activities include but are not limited to games, practices, tournaments, tryouts, travel permits, tournament passes, events, etc. Any activities conducted prior to April 30, 2020 would be considered not sanctioned by Alabama Soccer Association and will not be covered by Alabama Soccer Association insurance.

Alabama State League has been cancelled at this time. USYS National League and Mid-South League have been cancelled at this time.

Alabama State Cups have been cancelled for May 2020

Alabama Tryouts were previously moved to May 18 for ages 13+ and May 25 for ages 12 and under.

ASA Sanctioned Tournaments are being contacted for postponed date and/or cancellation. Please review our website for any further updates or contact the tournament director.

ODP, Elite, Academy, Coaching Education, and all other programs by ASA are still pending spring return to play date. Emma and Kevin will keep you updated on any changes and/or refunds at this time in a separate email for each program

USYS summer championship series –National Championships and Presidents Cup have been cancelled for summer 2020

United States Adult Association organized activities are suspended until at least April 30, 2020

This decision has been made in accordance with the guidance of public health and medical professionals based on the ongoing and rapid acceleration of the coronavirus. As the number increases, the Board of Alabama Soccer Association has decided to exercise caution in the interest of our soccer family.

Please follow the advice and guidance from your local health department. For more information on the current status across the country and measures you can take, go to:


Thank you for patience and co-operation Jennifer Pfeiffer
Executive Director
Alabama Soccer Association
office 205-991-9779
If we can see it, we can be it.
Go Bama Nation!